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黑客帝国经典语录(黑客帝国 语录)

hacker2年前 (2022-07-09)网络黑客125



The Matrix Transcript

Dialogue from the Movie

All the Words and Nothing but the Words

Courtesy of Tim Staley (with a few minor corrections)


Cypher: Yeah.

Trinity: Is everything in place?

Cypher: You weren't supposed to relieve me.

Trinity: I know, but I want to take your shift.

Cypher: You like watching him, don't you? You like watching him.

Trinity: Don't be ridiculous.

Cypher: We're going to kill him, do you understand that?

Trinity: Morpheus believes he is the one.

Cypher: Do you?

Trinity: It doesn't matter what I believe.

Cypher: You don't, do you?

Trinity: Did you hear that?

Cypher: Hear what?

Trinity: Are you sure this line is clean?

Cypher: Yeah, of course I'm sure.

Trinity: I better go.

(Hotel room)

Cop: Freeze, Police. Hands on your head. Do it. Do it now.


Agent Smith: Lieutenant...

Lieutenant: Oh shit.

Agent Smith: Lieutenant, you were given specific orders.

Lieutenant: Hey, I'm just doing my job. You give me juris- my diction crap, you can cram it up your ass.

Agent Smith: Your orders were for your protection.

Lieutenant: I think we can handle one little girl.... I sent two units. They're bringing her down now.

Agent Smith: No Lieutenant, your men are already dead.

(Hotel room)

Trinity: Morpheus, the line was traced, I don't know how.

Morpheus: I know, they cut the hard line. There's no time, you're going to have to get to another exit.

Trinity: Are there any agents?

Morpheus: Yes.

Trinity: God-dammit.

Morpheus: You have to focus, Trinity. There's a phone at Wells and Lake. You can make it.

Trinity: All right.

Morpheus: Go.


Cop: That's impossible.

黑客帝国 经典台词

Oracle: That's it. That's the secret. You've got to use your hands.

Sati: Why?

Oracle: Cookies need love like everything does.


Sati: Neo!

Oracle: I was hoping to have these done before you got here. Oh well. Sati, honey, I think it's time for a tasting. Take the bowl to Seraph and find out if they're ready.


Sati: Okay. *to Neo* I'm glad you got out.

Neo: Me too.

Oracle: So, do you recognize me?

Neo: A part of you.

Oracle: Yeah, that's how it works. Some bits you lose, some bits you keep. I don't yet recognize my face in the mirror, but... I still love candy. *offers Neo a piece of red candy*


Neo: No, thank you.

Oracle: Remember what you were like when you first walked through my door, jittery as a junebug? And now just look at you. You sure did surprise me, Neo, and you still do.


Neo: You gave me a few surprises, too.

Oracle: I hope I helped.

Neo: You helped me to get here, but my question is why? Where does this go? Where does it end?


Oracle: I don't know.

Neo: You don't know or you won't tell me?

Oracle: I told you before. No one can see beyond a choice they don't understand, and I mean no one.


Neo: What choice?

Oracle: It doesn't matter. It's my choice. I have mine to make, same as you have yours.

Neo: Does that include what things to tell me and what not to tell me?

Oracle: Of course not.

Neo: Then why didn't you tell me about the Architect? Why didn't you tell me about Zion, the Ones before me - why didn't you tell me the truth?

Oracle: Because it wasn't time for you to know.

Neo: Who decided it wasn't time?

Oracle: You know who. *She points at the Temet Nosce sign above the door* Neo: I did. *Oracle nods* Then I think it's time for me to know a few more things.

Oracle: So do I.

Neo: Tell me how I separated my mind from my body without jacking in. Tell me how I stopped four sentinels by thinking it. Tell me just what the hell is happening to me.

Oracle: The power of the One extends beyond this world. It reaches from here all the way back to where it came from.

Neo: Where?

Oracle: The Source. That's what you felt when you touched those Sentinels. But you weren't ready for it. You should be dead, but apparently you weren't ready for that, either.



Neo: The Architect told me that if I didn't return to the Source, Zion would be destroyed by midnight tonight.

Oracle: *rolls eyes* Please... You and I may not be able to see beyond our own choices, but that man can't see past any choices.

Neo: Why not?

Oracle: He doesn't understand them - he can't. To him they are variables in an equation. One at a time each variable must be solved and countered. That's his purpose: to balance an equation.

Neo: What's your purpose?

Oracle: To unbalance it.

Neo: Why? What do you want?

Oracle: I want the same thing you want, Neo. And I am willing to go as far as you are to get it.

Neo: The end of the war. *Oracle nods* Is it going to end?


Oracle: One way, or another.

Neo: Can Zion be saved?

Oracle: I'm sorry, I don't have the answer to that question, but if there's an answer, there's only one place you're going to find it.

Neo: Where?

Oracle: You know where. And if you can't find the answer, then I'm afraid there may be no tomorrow for any of us.

Neo: What does that mean?

Oracle: Everything that has a beginning has an end. I see the end coming. I see the darkness spreading. I see death. And you are all that stands in his way.

Neo: Smith.

Oracle: *nods* Very soon he's going to have the power to destroy this world, but I believe he won't stop there; he can't. He won't stop until there's nothing left at all.

Neo: What is he?

Oracle: He is you. Your opposite, your negative, the result of the equation trying to balance itself out.


Neo: What if I can't stop him?

Oracle: One way or another, Neo, this war is going to end. Tonight, the future of both worlds will be in your hands... or in his.











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2年前 (2022-07-10)

s: I know, they cut the hard line. There's no time, you're going to have to get to another exit. Trinity:

2年前 (2022-07-10)

se it wasn't time for you to know. Neo: Who decided it wasn't time? Oracle: You know who. *She points at


