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hacker2年前 (2022-10-26)黑客安全96



片尾曲有两首,RATM的Wake Up和Manson的Rock Is Dead

酒吧里的是Rob Zombie的Dracula

黑客帝国1片尾曲WAKE UP的歌词


Come on!


Come on, although ya try to discredit

Ya still never edit

The needle, I'll thread it

Radically poetic

Standin' with the fury that they had in '66

And like E-Double I'm mad

Still knee-deep in the system's shit

Hoover, he was a body remover

I'll give ya a dose

But it'll never come close

To the rage built up inside of me

Fist in the air, in the land of hypocrisy

Movements come and movements go

Leaders speak, movements cease

When their heads are flown

'Cause all these punks

Got bullets in their heads

Departments of police, the judges, the feds

Networks at work, keepin' people calm

You know they went after King

When he spoke out on Vietnam

He turned the power to the have-nots

And then came the shot


Yeah, back in this...

Wit' poetry, my mind I flex

Flip like Wilson, vocals never lackin' dat finesse

Whadda I got to, whadda I got to do to wake ya up

To shake ya up, to break the structure up

'Cause blood still flows in the gutter

I'm like takin' photos

Mad boy kicks open the shutter

Set the groove

Then stick and move like I was Cassius

Rep the stutter step

Then bomb a left upon the fascists

Yea, the several federal men

Who pulled schemes on the dream

And put it to an end

Ya better beware

Of retribution with mind war

20/20 visions and murals with metaphors

Networks at work, keepin' people calm

Ya know they murdered X

And tried to blame it on Islam

He turned the power to the have-nots

And then came the shot


What was the price on his head?

What was the price on his head!

I think I heard a shot

I think I heard a shot

I think I heard a shot

I think I heard a shot

I think I heard a shot

I think I heard, I think I heard a shot

'He may be a real contender for this position should he

abandon his supposed obediance to white liberal doctrine

of non-violence...and embrace black nationali *** '

'Through counter-intelligence it should be possible to

pinpoint potential trouble-makers...And neutralize them,

neutralize them, neutralize them'

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

How long? Not long, cause what you reap is what you sow



Wake Up - Rage Against the Machine



Rock Is Dead - Marilyn Manson



01. Rock Is Dead - Marilyn Manson

02. Spybreak - Propellerheads

03. Bad Blood - Ministry

04. Clubbed to Death [Kurayamino Mix] - Rob D.

05. Prime Audio Soup - Meat Beat Manifesto

06. Leave You Far Behind - Lunatic Calm

07. Mindfields - The Prodigy

08. Dragula [Hot Rod Herman Remix] - Rob Zombie

09. My Own Summer (Shove It) - Deftones

10. Ultrasonic Sound - Hive

11. Look to Your Orb for the Warning - Monster Magnet

12. Hast - Rammstein

13. Wake Up - Rage Against the Machine

下面是鲜为人知的Complele Motion Picture Score

1. Main Title

2. Trinity Infinity

3. Follow Instructions

4. The White Rabbit

5. Sneak Rue Eve

6. Unable to Speak

7. Road To Truthville

8. The Lafayette Mirror

9. The Power Plant

10. Welcome to the Real World

11. Introductions

12. The Truth

13. No Return

14. Training (Bow Whisk Orchestra)

15. Switch or Break Show

16. The Jump Program

17. I Don't Remember You Bringing me Dinner

18. The Sewers

19. Want a Drink?/The Turncoat

20. Departure Arrival

21. Spoonboy Sermon

22. Oracle Honesty

23. The Hotel Ambush- Exit Mr. Hat

24. Cypher Punk

25. Think Tank

26. A Virus

27. Let's Go

28. Bullet-time

29. You Move Like They Do

30. Ontological Shock

31. The Subway Fight

32. Neo on the Run

33. Anything is Possible


Main Title、Trinity Infinity、Follow Instructions、The White Rabbit等,没有日本组合的。


影片讲述了一名年轻的 *** 黑客尼奥发现看似正常的现实世界实际上是由一个名为“矩阵”的计算机人工智能系统控制的,尼奥在一名神秘女郎崔妮蒂的引导下见到了黑客组织的首领墨菲斯,三人走上了抗争矩阵征途的故事。




“黑客帝国1片尾曲纯音乐(黑客帝国1片尾曲纯音乐下载)” 的相关文章


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2年前 (2022-10-26)

p! Wake up!How long? Not long, cause what you reap is what you sow求一首《黑客帝国》的歌!黑客帝国片尾曲有(按顺序)Wake Up - Ra


