there are some things in this world will never change and some things do change
Everything that has a beginning has an end
Oracle: That's it. That's the secret. You've got to use your hands.
Sati: Why?
Oracle: Cookies need love like everything does.
Sati: Neo!
Oracle: I was hoping to have these done before you got here. Oh well. Sati, honey, I think it's time for a tasting. Take the bowl to Seraph and find out if they're ready.
Sati: Okay. *to Neo* I'm glad you got out.
Neo: Me too.
Oracle: So, do you recognize me?
Neo: A part of you.
Oracle: Yeah, that's how it works. Some bits you lose, some bits you keep. I don't yet recognize my face in the mirror, but... I still love candy. *offers Neo a piece of red candy*
Neo: No, thank you.
Oracle: Remember what you were like when you first walked through my door, jittery as a junebug? And now just look at you. You sure did surprise me, Neo, and you still do.
Neo: You gave me a few surprises, too.
Oracle: I hope I helped.
Neo: You helped me to get here, but my question is why? Where does this go? Where does it end?
Oracle: I don't know.
Neo: You don't know or you won't tell me?
Oracle: I told you before. No one can see beyond a choice they don't understand, and I mean no one.
Neo: What choice?
Oracle: It doesn't matter. It's my choice. I have mine to make, same as you have yours.
Neo: Does that include what things to tell me and what not to tell me?
Oracle: Of course not.
Neo: Then why didn't you tell me about the Architect? Why didn't you tell me about Zion, the Ones before me - why didn't you tell me the truth?
Oracle: Because it wasn't time for you to know.
Neo: Who decided it wasn't time?
Oracle: You know who. *She points at the Temet Nosce sign above the door* Neo: I did. *Oracle nods* Then I think it's time for me to know a few more things.
Oracle: So do I.
Neo: Tell me how I separated my mind from my body without jacking in. Tell me how I stopped four sentinels by thinking it. Tell me just what the hell is happening to me.
Oracle: The power of the One extends beyond this world. It reaches from here all the way back to where it came from.
Neo: Where?
Oracle: The Source. That's what you felt when you touched those Sentinels. But you weren't ready for it. You should be dead, but apparently you weren't ready for that, either.
Neo: The Architect told me that if I didn't return to the Source, Zion would be destroyed by midnight tonight.
Oracle: *rolls eyes* Please... You and I may not be able to see beyond our own choices, but that man can't see past any choices.
Neo: Why not?
Oracle: He doesn't understand them - he can't. To him they are variables in an equation. One at a time each variable must be solved and countered. That's his purpose: to balance an equation.
Neo: What's your purpose?
Oracle: To unbalance it.
Neo: Why? What do you want?
Oracle: I want the same thing you want, Neo. And I am willing to go as far as you are to get it.
Neo: The end of the war. *Oracle nods* Is it going to end?
Oracle: One way, or another.
Neo: Can Zion be saved?
Oracle: I'm sorry, I don't have the answer to that question, but if there's an answer, there's only one place you're going to find it.
Neo: Where?
Oracle: You know where. And if you can't find the answer, then I'm afraid there may be no tomorrow for any of us.
Neo: What does that mean?
Oracle: Everything that has a beginning has an end. I see the end coming. I see the darkness spreading. I see death. And you are all that stands in his way.
Neo: Smith.
Oracle: *nods* Very soon he's going to have the power to destroy this world, but I believe he won't stop there; he can't. He won't stop until there's nothing left at all.
Neo: What is he?
Oracle: He is you. Your opposite, your negative, the result of the equation trying to balance itself out.
Neo: What if I can't stop him?
Oracle: One way or another, Neo, this war is going to end. Tonight, the future of both worlds will be in your hands... or in his.
Memorable Quotes from The Matrix (1999)
Trinity: I know why you're here, Neo. I know what you've been doing... I know why you hardly to sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit at your computer.You're looking for him. I know because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me, he told me I wasn't really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us, Neo.It's the question that brought you here.You know the question, just as I did.
Neo: What is the Matrix?
尼奥: “矩阵”(电影译为“母体”)是什么?
Trinity:The answer is out there, Neo, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.
崔妮蒂: 世界上一定有答案,尼奥.它在找你,只要你愿意.它就会找到你
Morpheus:The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Busines *** en, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of thatsystem and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.
[Neo's eyes suddenly wander towards a woman in a red dress]
Morpheus: Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?
Neo: I was...
Morpheus: [gestures with one hand] Look again.
[the woman in the red dress is now Agent Smith, pointing a gun at Neo's head; Neo ducks]
Morpheus: Freeze it.
[Everybody and everything besides Neo and Morpheus freezes in time]
Neo: This... this isn't the Matrix?
Morpheus: No. It is another training program designed to teach you one thing: if you are not one of us, you are one of them.
The Matrix (1999)
Matrix: Reloaded (2003)
there are some things in this world will never change and some things do change
Everything that has a beginning has an end
The Matrix Transcript
Dialogue from the Movie
All the Words and Nothing but the Words
Courtesy of Tim Staley (with a few minor corrections)
Cypher: Yeah.
Trinity: Is everything in place?
Cypher: You weren't supposed to relieve me.
Trinity: I know, but I want to take your shift.
Cypher: You like watching him, don't you? You like watching him.
Trinity: Don't be ridiculous.
Cypher: We're going to kill him, do you understand that?
Trinity: Morpheus believes he is the one.
Cypher: Do you?
Trinity: It doesn't matter what I believe.
Cypher: You don't, do you?
Trinity: Did you hear that?
Cypher: Hear what?
Trinity: Are you sure this line is clean?
Cypher: Yeah, of course I'm sure.
Trinity: I better go.
(Hotel room)
Cop: Freeze, Police. Hands on your head. Do it. Do it now.
Agent Smith: Lieutenant...
Lieutenant: Oh shit.
Agent Smith: Lieutenant, you were given specific orders.
Lieutenant: Hey, I'm just doing my job. You give me juris- my diction crap, you can cram it up your ass.
Agent Smith: Your orders were for your protection.
Lieutenant: I think we can handle one little girl.... I sent two units. They're bringing her down now.
Agent Smith: No Lieutenant, your men are already dead.
(Hotel room)
Trinity: Morpheus, the line was traced, I don't know how.
Morpheus: I know, they cut the hard line. There's no time, you're going to have to get to another exit.
Trinity: Are there any agents?
Morpheus: Yes.
Trinity: God-dammit.
Morpheus: You have to focus, Trinity. There's a phone at Wells and Lake. You can make it.
Trinity: All right.
Morpheus: Go.
Cop: That's impossible.
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