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hacker2年前 (2022-10-07)网络黑客187




I loved this movie and although it may have been slightly cliché, the dialog was quite *** art and it was quite a funny movie. I think that if you expect the movie to be Oscar worthy.

it will obviously fall short. But as it only attempts to be a sweet story about a misfit 15 year old turned princess, it completely lives up to it's potential. I think that Julie Andrews completely made the movie and that Anne Hathaway also did an excellent job.

The movie is great for people of all ages because it has a simplistic plot yet has great one liners and great repartee between the characters of the Queen and Princess Mia. I also think that the minor characters are great also because they provide even more comic relief.



电影讲述一个旧金山里一个普普通通的女孩儿,后来被证实是一个欧洲小国的公主,最后这位“丑小鸭”公主由皇后奶奶 *** 为举止优雅的真正公主的故事。



The "Princess Diaries" is a film made by Disney company. It tells the story of a New York City ordinary girl - mia, she used to work as a transparent person in the school, but in her 16 birthday coming before the accident was confirmed to be Jinuoweiya the princess after grandma Norinari an elegant princess, find my prince charming.

This movie is similar to the sweet fairy tale Cinderella, the hero Mia is the modern version of Cinderella, the plot is full of strong fairy tale color. Mia from the past a cipher, suddenly became the focus, this is how many girls dream of a happy life.

The theme of the movie is not original, and it is not expected to get rid of the traditional mode. Its ending is also expected, but it didnt fail to get the box office. Instead, it got a good review, because the audience paid more attention to the enjoyment of watching the movie process.

I was deeply impressed with the film. A teenager, inferiority and shy I happened to see Anne Hathaway, played by MIA in creating makeup, transformed into a beautiful girl with a *** ile. At that time, it was a magical thing in my short cognition. So that he forgot to pay attention to the name of the film, which led to the search for it for so many years before it was found.

This film is more than the old and young story, not lack of fairy tale innocence and innocence, and the overflowing and gentle *** humour.

This role seems to specifically for her a lively, Frank Anne Hathaway will play Mia vivid. And she will each girls cherished dream princess of Shi Quan so true, her performance is a little jerky jump, but her bright *** iling face, confident, elegant temperament, has become my dream girl goddess.


《公主日记》是迪斯尼公司 *** 的一部电影。它讲述了一个纽约市普通女孩——米娅的故事,她曾经在学校里做过一个透明人,但在她16岁生日即将到来之前,意外事件被证实是基诺维亚公主,经过奶奶诺里纳里一位优雅的公主,找到了我的白马王子。







I saw this movie,and it wasn't a surprise, because it's not the type of movie I've seen it allover N. But it's also a classic movie. It's believed that many people like thi *** ovie right now -- because it brings a lot of inspiration to you! The hero ofthe story is a stupid girl, her name is Mia. She is very shy. One day when hergrandmother told her that she was a princess, she felt very scared and tried toescape. A series of encounters later let her know the father of her hope to dieyoung. So she is willing to take the responsibility to protect her people.Although the film feels like "ugly duckling" but the ugly duckling isto want to become a white swan, and the hero does not want it all. This tellsus that we have something to do, and we must pay a price. This is a very goodmovie.




“公主日记观后感英文100字(公主日记观后感英文50字)” 的相关文章


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2年前 (2022-10-07)

hat many people like thismovie right now -- because it brings a lot of inspiration to you! The hero o

2年前 (2022-10-08)

olor. Mia from the past a cipher, suddenly became the focus, this is how many girls dream of a happy li

2年前 (2022-10-07)

movie right now -- because it brings a lot of inspiration to you! The hero ofthe story is a stupid girl, her name is Mia. She is very shy. One day

2年前 (2022-10-08)

e. I think that if you expect the movie to be Oscar worthy.it will obviously fall short. But as

2年前 (2022-10-08)

ne Hathaway will play Mia vivid. And she will each girls cherished dream princess of S


